Protest and Appeals

To submit a protest or appeal, please follow the guidelines below and complete the purchase.

Step 1: Fill Out the Form

Complete the protest or appeal form below in its entirety. Ensure all required details are provided to facilitate the review process.

Step 2: Pay the Deposit

After submitting the form, complete the $25 deposit payment to finalize your protest or appeal submission.

If your protest or appeal is upheld, the deposit will be refunded. If it is denied, the deposit will not be refunded.

All incidents will be reviewed during our weekly officiating meetings, and penalties will be issued as necessary.

Weekly reports detailing penalties and the outcomes of protests/appeals will be available on our News & Announcements page.

  • Driver protests can be submitted with a $25 deposit, and there are specific timelines, submission details, and categories for protests.
  • Appeals for post-race penalties can be made within 24 hours, with conditions for valid appeals and consequences for falsification of information.

Protests must be submitted within 12 hours of the race.

Appeals must be submitted within 24 hours of the publication of the weekly officiating report.

Please ensure all fields are filled out accurately to facilitate the review process.